Goose Creek CISD News
Dr. Randal O'Brien Welcomes Students Back to School

Dr. Randal O Brien welcomes austin elementary students back to school

Dr. Randal O’Brien, Goose Creek CISD superintendent, welcomes Stephen F. Austin Elementary students back to school during their lunch period. Pictured are (from left) Ruben Pena, Roger Ramirez, Levi Eghbali and Brayelyn O’Dell.


Photo by Carrie Pryor-Newman






Dr. Randal O Brien fist bumps gentry junior student Ashton Mexas

Gentry Junior School sixth-grader Ashton Mexas (right) gets a fist bump from Dr. Randal O’Brien, Goose Creek CISD superintendent, as he returns to school after the holiday.


Photo by Carrie Pryor-Newman