GC United in Wellness

Whole Child Initiatives

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model is an expansion and update of the eight components of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) coordinated school health approach and is combined with the whole child framework. CDC and ASCD developed this expanded model—in collaboration with key leaders from the fields of health, public health, education, and school health—to strengthen a unified and collaborative approach designed to improve learning and health in our nation’s schools.


The WSCC model focuses its attention on the child, emphasizes the role of the community in supporting the school, and acknowledges the connection between health and academic achievement and the importance of evidence-based school policies and practices learning health, and the school as being a part and reflection of the local community.


Learn more about the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model at http://www.ascd.org/programs/learning-and-health/wscc-model.aspx


Source: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). www. ASCD.org

Contact Us
Whole Child Initiatives Staff
Healthy Community School Coordinator / School Health Advisory Council Facilitator
Healthy Schools Special Projects Coordinator
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Coordinated School Health

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is required by law (TEC, 38.013-38.014) to make available to each Texas school district one or more coordinated school health (CSH) programs or allow the development of district programs designed to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes in elementary school, middle school, and junior high school students. Each program must coordinate health education, including oral health education, physical education and physical activity, nutrition services, and parental involvement.


GCCISD has implemented the CATCH®(Coordinated Approach to Child Health) program in all K-8 schools, which is a TEA approved Coordinated School Health Program.


Campus Wellness Teams

The Campus Wellness Team facilitates continuous improvement in the school health programs at the school site level and is a corollary of the district School Health Advisory Council. As each school has a unique set of needs, the campus team may incorporate the components of the WSCC model as they see fit to meet the needs of their campus. Each K-8th grade campus is creating an environment where everyone is working together and speaking a common language to create and maintain healthy school environments through evidence-based policies and practices with the support of school administration.

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  • Elementary
    Junior School
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Be Well™ Baytown

Goose Creek CISD is a CATCH® (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) Promise District. CATCH promotes healthy lifestyle behaviors (physical activity and healthy eating) by bringing together families and the community to help support youth in grades Pre-K to 8th. By uniting multiple players in a child’s life to create a community of health, CATCH is proven to prevent childhood obesity and supported by 25 years and 120 academic papers indicating as much as 11% decrease in overweight and obesity.


We believe healthy eating patterns and consistent daily exercise are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong healthy habits. That’s why we have joined community leaders to be a part of Be Well™ Baytown to make our school community healthier. Be Well Baytown is an initiative of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center sponsored by ExxonMobil which aims to mobilize the community to promote wellness and reduce modifiable risk factors for cancer.


We also believe that while our school community is being physically active outdoors, it’s important for them to know how to be sun safe. With the support of Be Well Baytown, we are delivering sun safety lessons across all grade levels, embracing sun safety on field trips and implementing a district-wide policy to protect students and faculty from the harmful effects of the sun. In addition, we are working to increase shade in as many school campuses as possible, by installing sunshade structures.

SHAC [School Health Advisory Council]

School Health Advisory Council, also known as SHAC, is an advisory council to the school board and assists in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district's health education plan. The advisory council will advise and support the school's efforts to assess their needs and to design programs to help children develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to become healthy, productive citizens.

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