GC United Against Bullying

Anti-Bullying Committee

Provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff so that students can interact and thrive at school, in the community, and workplace.
  • Student Voice

    • Determine the “state of the student” as it relates to culture and climate.
    • Provide student lessons & training; identify area(s) of improvement.

    Action Steps

    • Collect data from site visits, surveys, PBIS, R360, and Academic Performance
    • Form a Student Advisory Council to increase student engagement and promote a culture of caring

    Responsibility (Person/Committee/Unit)

    • SEL & Student Wellness Dept. Community Engagement Dept.
    • Student Services Dept.
    • Campus Administrators

    Start Date

    Spring, 2022


    • Data Collection Systems
    • Site Visit Schedule
    • Survey Systems Discipline Data

    Measurable Outcomes

    Completion of data collection, site visits, and reviews

    • Annual Spring Student survey
    • Elementary & Secondary Student Advisory Groups: focus groups to provide feedback and student voice

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  • Bullying Prevention & Recognition

    Continue to implement evidence-based social-emotional learning programs, strategies, and practices

    Action Steps

    • Staff and administration engage in high-quality and ongoing SEL professional learning
    • Provide We’re Here to Help student training and resources at annual transition activities

    Responsibility (Person/Committee/Unit)

    • SEL & Student Wellness Dept.
    • Student Services Dept.
    • Campus Administrators
    • Counseling & Student Wellness Network

    Start Date

    Fall, 2021

    • Bullying Checklist
    • Character Strong Curriculum
    • We’re Here to Help Resource Cards & Training Cards

    Measurable Outcomes

    • Dissemination of Bullying Checklist
    • SEL Professional Development
    • Character Strong lessons
    • Quarterly Review of Lessons
    • Campus Walkthroughs

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  • Responding to Bullying

    Action Steps

    • Continue annual training for all employees on anti-bullying practices
    • Anti-bullying committee will meet regularly to review data, address concerns, and implement strategies

    Responsibility (Person/Committee/Unit)

    • Student Services SEL & Student Wellness Dept.
    • Campus Administrators
    • Counseling & Student Wellness Network

    Start Date

    Fall, 2021


    • Committee guidelines and topics
    • We’re Here to Help Resource Cards

    Measurable Outcomes

    • Committee minutes & action items
    • Committee recommendations

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Board of Trustees
Tiffany Guy
Board Member, District 6
James “Jim” Campisi
Board Member, District 3
Melissa Dawsen
Goose Creek Memorial Feeder Pattern
Nikki Wilson
Robert E. Lee Feeder Pattern
Malisha Kingston
Ross S. Sterling Feeder Pattern
District Representatives
Dr. Matt Bolinger
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Dr. Precious Reimonenq
Director, Social-Emotional Learning & Student Wellness
Dr. Sandy Conklin
Area Executive Director
Kendall David
Executive Director, Strategic Planning
Carrie Smith
Director, Student Services
All Campus Principals
All Campus Principals
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