Board of Trustees

Unofficial Count

Last updated: 12:08 AM, May 7, 2023

Goose Creek Consolidated ISD General Election

Goose Creek CISD

May 6, 2023


Goose Creek CISD, Board of Trustees, Single-Member District 3

Choice (Vote for 1) Absentee Early Election Day Total Percent
Darrell Banks 3 24 18 45 26.47%
James “Jim” Campisi 4 68 53 125 73.53%
Cast Votes 7 92 71 170 100.00%


Goose Creek CISD, Board of Trustees, Single-Member District 6

(Vote for 1)
Absentee - Harris
Absentee - Chambers
Early - Harris Early - Chambers Election Day - Harris
Election Day - Chambers
Total Percent
Yacel Amador 0 0 21 4 24 5 54 31.40%
Tiffany Guy 2 1 47 16 21 31 118 68.60%
Cast Votes 2 1 68 20 45 36 172 100.00%