Executive Cabinet Members
Dr. Demetrius McCall, Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services

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Dr. Demetrius McCall

Deputy Superintendent of Administrative Services





Dr. Demetrius McCall joined Goose Creek CISD in July 2020 as the deputy superintendent for administrative services. His responsibilities include administering effective implementation of all campus and district guidelines, supporting staff at campus and district levels, along with assisting the superintendent with district leadership and in executing the strategic short- and long-range planning to accommodate growth and innovation. 


McCall holds a Bachelor of Science from Western Michigan University, master’s degree in educational management with principal certification from the University of Houston Clear Lake and Doctor of Education in educational leadership from Lamar University.  


Before beginning his career in education, McCall worked as a human resources client analyst at Aon Hewitt Associates. After teaching speech communication and debate for Channelview ISD, he was named associate principal at Dayton High School, where he worked for three years. From there Dr. McCall worked in Sheldon ISD. He served as principal of curriculum and instruction at C.E. King High School for two years and in the role of principal at C.E. King High School/Sheldon Early College High School for the next four years. He was selected as Sheldon ISD’s Principal of the Year twice during this time and in June 2018, he accepted the position as assistant superintendent of administration for Sheldon ISD.