Careers & Employment

Steps To Apply for Educational Aide Certificate

Items 1-5 must be completed prior to your date of hire

  1. Go online to the Texas Education Agency for Educator Certification web site

  2. If you are a new user, click on Request New User Account. If you have already established an account please enter your user name and password and click on login.

  3. If you get a message that “Your account does not currently exist and that you must first contact your school district to create your account”, contact 281-707-3752 for elementary or 281-707-3881 for junior high and high school or e-mail in the Human Resources Department. If you do not get this message, continue with your application process.

  4. A blue and white screen will appear. You will then need to complete the information requested. If you need further assistance, you may click on Online User Training at the bottom of the page or contact TEA at 512-936-8400.

  5. Apply for the Educational Aide certificate and pay the certificate fee (cost $32.00) with either a credit or debit card.

  6. E-mail when you receive your Educational Aide Certificate.