2023 Bond Overview
Proposition A
  • Budget: $285,000,000

    • Replace main building due to damaged structural foundation and replace Winnie Brown Gym, natatorium, and vocational building
    • Project will be constructed in several phases
    • Buildings to remain: East Annex, field house, and athletic fields
    Why does Sterling High School need to be replaced?

    In April of 2022, a structural assessment of Sterling High School was completed after concerns about the structure were discovered during renovations. In summary, the report stated "we did not identify any immediate life safety issues based on our understanding of the structural design intent from Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments." The report also "identified multiple locations where the steel deterioration is significant, and we anticipate the need for extensive repair or replacement in the immediate future."


    The estimated construction cost to repair the structural issues of the main building is approximately $80 million. A repair would only address structural concerns at the foundation and does not address other aging building systems or aesthetics. To accomplish this renovation, the main building would need to come offline, and all students and staff would need to be relocated to approximately 40 portable buildings for a minimum of two school years. The amount of land required for the portables would in turn require sacrificing parking and practice fields. The approximate cost for the installation of the portables would add an additional $6 million. Additional repairs or building replacements would be required to address the Winnie Brown Gym, Natatorium, and Vocational Building. These repairs would also need to take place within the next 1-2 years and would amount to an additional $36 million in construction costs. A repair would cost a minimum of $122 million dollars and have drastic negative impacts to the instructional environment of the campus. It is more economical to rebuild Sterling High School than to repair several buildings that are 40 to 60 years old.


    The full structural report can be found here: https://www.gccisd.net/page/open/25861/0/SterlingReport2022.pdf

    What is staying?
    • East Annex
    • Cafeteria
    • Field House
    • Athletic Fields


    Current Facility Condition
    Concept Images

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  • Budget: $24,000,000


    • Upgrade access controls at exterior doors
    • Upgrade cameras, intrusion alarms, and sensors at exterior doors
    • Upgrade exterior door hardware and add numbering
    • Upgrade intercom systems
    • Expand gunshot detection systems
    • Add vape detection systems and silent panic alert technology
    • Add bullet-resistant film
    • Replace police vehicles
    • Replace telephone hardware across the district
    • Replace security cameras across the district
    goose creek officer greeting guests at ef green

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  • Budget: $15,000,000


    • Upgrades and renovations to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems
    • Roof repairs and replacements
    • Replace and repair building foundation systems and site deficiencies
    • Repair and replacement of interior finishes

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  • Budget: $6,200,000


    • Replace 35 buses
    • Equipment, specialized tooling, and technology refresh
    two school buses side by side

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  • Budget: $6,200,000


    • Close Carnegie Street and redesign the east side of the property to include designated lanes for students, parents, and buses.
    • Relocated and redesigned tennis courts.
    • Fencing to fully enclose the campus and ensure the safety of our students.
    • Green space for extracurricular activities.
    Concept Map
    Lee high school proposed road changes
    Concept Image
    tennis courts concept image

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  • Budget: $5,400,000


    • High school strength & conditioning upgrades
    • High school gym & field bleacher upgrades
    • High school & junior school gym scoreboard upgrades
    • Junior school field scoreboard upgrades
    • High school baseball/softball batting cage renovations
    • High school track resurfacing
    • High school & junior school tennis court resurfacing
    • Women's weight rooms facility upgrades at the high schools
    Current Facility Condition

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  • Budget: $510,000


    • Site is only 2.8 acres; insufficient for new uses
    • Insufficient space for detention
    • No off-street bus/parent lanes and insufficient parking
    Current Facility Condition

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Proposition A Total: $342,310,000
Proposition B
  • Budget: $24,000,000


    • Replace existing ramps to meet ADA compliance
    • Repair stadium structure, walls, and floors
    • Replace existing press box
    • Renovation of the concourse, including concession stands, fine arts locker rooms, and restrooms
    Current Facility Condition
    Concept Images

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Proposition B Total: $24,000,000
Proposition C
  • Budget: $20,000,000


    • Network hardware refresh, including network switches, distribution switches, and core networking equipment
    • Elementary & junior school mobile device refresh including tablets, computers, and other devices
    students using an ipad

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Proposition C Total: $20,000,000
Total Bond Request: $386,310,000