Goose Creek CISD News
Building Success

Sterling High School's construction program showcased its prowess at Pearland High School's inaugural "Build Off" competition, clinching the top spot in the carpentry division. Students formed the winning team.


RSS Construction Team pose with construction teacher mr. serrano

RSS Construction Team: Raul Torres, Fernando Vazquez, Fabian Ugarte, and Edwin Morfin and pose with Construction teacher Dennis Serrano (middle).


Competing against several skilled teams, Sterling’s team and the runner-up both completed their projects. However, two pivotal moments secured Sterling's victory. Firstly, the opposing team had to make a last-minute adjustment to correct a lengthy 2x4. Secondly, Edwin Morfin's keen eye spotted a discrepancy in the project plans, ensuring the correct measurements for a crucial cut.


Dennis Serrano, Construction Trades teacher, explained, “Overall, it was a very rewarding experience, the students showed a great ability to be able to work as a team to safely and successfully complete the task at hand.”


Each student was rewarded with a bucket filled with essential tools, including a toolbelt, hammer, gloves, and a DeWalt drill combo.


To learn more about the construction endorsement or other career and college pathways, please visit the GCCISD website: