Each Campus Crime Stoppers program is organized with sponsors, a student board, and a Police coordinator. Sponsors are staff members who are usually teachers. Students at any grade level can join to form a student board. Once they are part of the board, a monthly meeting is scheduled by the sponsors to discuss the cases brought forth by a Police coordinator. The student board will discuss information received on positive tips and designate rewards to be paid on these cases.
Each year, selected student board members may attend the Texas Campus Crime Stoppers conference to learn what it takes to operate a campus program, publicize their organization, raise funds, organize media projects and effectively develop a productive board meeting. Students who serve on Campus Crime Stoppers boards of directors learn leadership skills as they administer their programs with the advice of their sponsors, raise funds to help pay rewards for tips, publicize the program and obtain student involvement in making their campus a safer, more desirable place.
The main goal of Campus Crime Stoppers is the establishment of 100% safety in schools. It is a joint effort among school administration, students, staff, law enforcement and all of our surrounding communities to help students take active roles in keeping their schools and communities safe and free from the threat of violence, illegal drugs, weapons, suicidal behavior and other dangerous activities.