News from Goose Creek CISD

Local Band Releases Video Featuring GCCISD Students


El Grupo Alcanzable, almost all of whom are GCCISD graduates, in a promotional photo for “Lucero.” Photo courtesy of Alcanzable.

Photo courtesy of Alcanzable.

El Grupo Alcanzable, almost all of whom are GCCISD graduates, in a promotional photo for “Lucero.”


Local Band Releases Video Featuring GCCISD Students


By: Beth Dombrowa


View video here.


Fans of the local Norteño music (a mix of northern Mexico and Texas) scene will notice familiar faces and places in the newest Alcanzable video. Since almost every member of the group is a GCCISD alumni, it just made sense to set the story at Robert E. Lee High School where the majority of the members attended. And, since the storyline involves a nostalgic look back at high school years, why not also include current GCCISD students?


Alcanzable has been making a name for itself in the Houston area, most notable playing at Go Tejano Day at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.


“There were crazy amounts of people there,” said Ricky Rivas, a Lee graduate who plays the accordion in the band. “We’re hoping to get back this year because it’s a pretty special invitation for any band that gets to play.”


When they discussed ideas for a video for a song called “Lucero,” the band decided to tell a story about an elderly couple reflecting on their lives together in high school. The younger version of the couple is played by Goose Creek Memorial students Andrea Cano and Luis Lozano. Numerous Robert E. Lee students, largely members of the Spanish Club, also appear in the video during a scene at a prom set in the 1960s and during classroom scenes.


Rivas described the band as a hobby for most of the members, all of whom have full-time careers. However, considering that Alcanzable is typically booked in venues throughout Houston three weekends out of the month, the “hobby” is also a successful side business. While not all members were there in the beginning, the band essentially formed in 2007 and has continued to evolve with the addition of new talent over the years.


The group’s first album, which includes “Lucero,” will be released in July. Six of the 10 songs on the album are original, while the rest are lesser-known cover songs.


In addition to Rivas, the band includes Lee graduates Enrique Martinez (vocalist), Oliver Hernandez (congas) and Rafael Perez (electric bass), as well as Sterling graduate, Sergio Alvarez (drums). Angel Gomez (author of the song “Lucero”), is the only non-GCCISD alumni, having lived and been part of a well-known musical group in Mexico before he moved to the area.


El Grupo Alzancable is also known around the local music circuit by a nickname – “The Baytown Boys.”


“It wasn’t a must for all of us to live in or be from Baytown, but it is a plus,” Rivas said. “It’s a prideful thing.”