Any drone flight involving take off from or landing on District-owned property or conducted off-site for a District purpose, including indoor flights, must be approved in advance, in writing, by Goose Creek CISD’s Superintendent or his designee. Requests for authorization must be submitted in writing to Goose Creek CISD Drone Flight Portal Submission at least 30 calendar days prior to the drone use requiring authorization.
The District reserves the right to permit or prohibit any drone use on or in the airspace above GCCISD owned property or off-site for a District purpose based on factors including risk to people or property and educational purpose served.
Drone flights involving take off from or landing on District-owned property will not be approved unless the drone operator is a District officer, employee, student, or other District-affiliated party, such as a contractor or volunteer, and the drone flight serves a District purpose. GCCISD , in its discretion, may authorize District employees, students, or other District-affiliated parties to operate a drone in designated indoor spaces at designated times. Outdoor drone use will not be approved by the District without written confirmation that the drone operator has provided notice to and obtained authorization from Baytown Airport, as required by applicable authorities. Drone flights over people will not be approved without written confirmation that the flight complies with applicable FAA requirements, or a FAA waiver has been granted.
In addition to obtaining District authorization, all drone operators shall provide at least 24 hours prior written notice of the approved drone flight to affected parties, such as Goose Creek CISD Police Department dispatch and any relevant campus administration, as directed by GCCISD in the approval notice. All District-authorized drone flights must always remain within the visual line of sight of the operator and may not be flown in areas where there is an expectation of privacy, such as above locker rooms and restrooms.