
Response to Intervention [RtI]

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a district and school wide tiered approach to ensure all students receives the academic assistance necessary for success in school. 


All the resources within the school setting are united to provide early intervention for struggling students. 


RtI meets the goals of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) by providing high quality research based instruction. 


Universal screenings are used to determine the students who are in need of intervention. 


Data is used to make instructional decisions concerning the specific intervention(s) the identified student may need to ensure success. 


Universal Screenings are given to every student in the core areas of reading and math. Possible universal screenings: 

  • Pre-K: CLI
  • Kindergarten: TX_KEA
  • First and Second: TPRI-Tango Central/Istation- Math
  • Third Grade-Eighth Grade: Istation-Reading and Math

After universal screening is conducted, the class should be evaluated according to performance. According to the research, the students who are in the bottom 20% of the class could possibly need additional instructional time in addition to quality core instruction.