Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing vehicle efficiency.
When possible, stops are created that allow students to wait off the main roadway for the bus.
Stops are also created to minimize students walking on highly-traveled roadways for long distances without sidewalks.
Stops are generally not placed on dead-end streets so as to minimize bus accidents while backing up the bus.
Stops are spread as far apart as criteria will allow in order to decrease the number of stops each bus will make on its routes, thus minimizing the overall riding time for the students.
In general, elementary students may be required to walk up to a quarter-mile to a bus stop, while secondary students may be required to walk up to half a mile.
However, due to conditions beyond the control of the District, these distances may vary.
Bus routes are designed to limit student ride time.
Students are expected to follow the guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct while riding in any District-owned vehicle.