Board of Trustees

Unofficial Count as of time 12:33 AM on May 2, 2021

Goose Creek Consolidated ISD General Election

Unofficial 2021 Election Results

May 1, 2021


Goose Creek CISD, Board of Trustees, Single-Member District 1

Choice (Vote for 1) Early Election Day Total Percent
Howard E. Sampson 151 63 214 75.62%
Jeff Minson 54 15 69 24.38%
Total 205 78 283 100.00%


Goose Creek CISD, Board of Trustees, Single-Member District 2

Choice (Vote for 1) Early
Election Day
Total Percent
Agustin Loredo III 84 34 118 41.26%
Mercedes Renteria III 120 48 168 58.74%
Total 204 82 286 100.00%


Goose Creek CISD, Board of Trustees, Single-Member District 5

Choice (Vote for 1) Early  Election Day
Total Percent
Ben Pape 92 80 172 47.12%
Helen Berrott-Tims 113 80 193 52.88%
Total 205 160 365 100.00%


Lee College, Board of Regents

(Vote for 1)
(Harris County)
Election Day
(Harris County)
(Chambers County)
Election Day
(Chambers County)
Total Percent
David Isaac 349 187 4 10 550 12.32%
Weston Cotten 894 310 39 20 1,263 28.30%
Hunter Whitcomb Hall 157 80 6 3 246 5.51%
Mark Himsel 812 305 38 27 1,182 26.48%
Mark Hall 846 318 37 21 1,222 27.38%
Cast Votes 3,058 1,200 124 81 4,463 100.00%