Board of Trustees
Goose Creek CISD
Tax Ratification Election

  1. Notice of Tax Ratification Election   ENG/SPA    |  VIET  |  CHN

  2. Notice of Election Order ENG    |    SPA   |   VIET   |  CHN

  3. Notice To The Registered Voters Of Election Precincts Within Goose Creek CISD Boundaries

Military and overseas registered voters
Goose Creek CISD registered voters who are temporarily out of the country and received emailed ballots may download the carrier envelope here.

GCCISD Tax Ratification Election FAQs

On June 13th, our school board took action to give voters the opportunity to restructure our current tax rate. Under current law, the proposed tax rate would give GCCISD access to additional state revenue at the current tax rate. This action requires the school board to call for a Tax Ratification Election (TRE). 

When is the TRE?
Date/time of the election: Saturday, September 10, 2016, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 
Early voting dates: August 24, 2016 through September 6, 2016
Early voting dates/times:
Wednesday, August 24th – Friday, September 2nd, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 3rd, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday, September 5th, No Early Voting on Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6th, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Goose Creek CISD Administration Building, 4544 East Freeway, Baytown, Texas 77521

What is a Tax Ratification Election (TRE)?
This is a special election asking the voters to approve a tax rate that is above the $1.04 maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate allowed by state law. All school boards in Texas must adopt a budget and a tax rate each year. The tax rate is meant to levy property taxes for the funds needed for the day-to-day operations of the district [the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) tax rate], as well as funds to pay any district debt [the Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate]. Districts who exceed the $1.04 per $100 valuation Maintenance & Operation tax rate cap must seek voter approval to do so. That election is called a Tax Ratification Election, or TRE. 

Is GCCISD proposing a tax increase?
No. The tax rate for GCCISD remains the same. The current GCCISD tax rate is $1.43189. This is divided into two categories: $1.04 pays for daily operations and $0.39189 pays debt retirement. The GCCISD board has taken action asking voters to allow us to distribute that $1.43189 tax rate differently by lowering the debt retirement fund by 13 cents ($0.39189 to $0.26189) and increasing the daily operations fund by the same 13 cents ($1.04 to $1.17). This is common referred to as a “Penny Swap” since it is a TRE that when voted into effect, raises the M&O tax rate while decreasing the I&S tax rate by a corresponding amount, leaving the tax rate the same at $1.43189. 

How would the GCCISD Penny Swap generate additional funding?
The formula used by the State of Texas to determine funding for our Goose Creek schools is based upon our daily operations tax rate. Raising our daily operations rate by 13 cents provides an opportunity to access additional state education dollars with no tax rate impact to our local community. This will maximize our state funding revenue.

How will the funds be utilized?
The District plans to use the extra revenue for the following areas to maintain the high standard of academic excellence Goose Creek is known for:
• Enhance all core curriculum, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs for grades Pre-K through 12th
• Maintenance, operations, and facility improvements
• Maintain competitive salary and benefits for employees

How will the TRE affect the budget?
The GCCISD Board of Trustees has approved a balanced budget for the 2016-2017 academic year. Without the revenue generated from the TRE, the 2016-2017 budget deficit is approximately $8 million. Many districts in our area have adopted deficit budgets – some significantly higher than others. 

How would the TRE impact the average GCCISD home?
The tax rate for GCCISD will remain the same, therefore homes with unchanged property valuations will not see an increase in their school taxes. 

Why will the ballot show the tax rate of $1.43189 per $100 valuation, a rate that is $0.04503 higher per $100 valuation than the school district rollback tax rate?
Law requires voters to approve the proposed tax rate of $1.43189 as a comparison to the rollback rate of $1.38686. This is the maximum tax rate allowed by law without voter approval.

What happens if the voters do not pass the TRE?
If the proposed tax rate is not approved through the tax ratification election, to maintain a balanced budget, Goose Creek CISD will have to reduce expenditures and implement a number of cost saving measures.

Have other districts in Texas had TREs?
Approximately 575 districts in the state have sought approval from voters in TREs since 2006.

When is the last day to register to vote?
Thursday, August 11, 2016 is the last day to register to vote in the election.