Student Services


Missing school matters... Attend Today... Achieve Tomorrow...


  • For more information about school attendance or to report students skipping school or not enrolled, please call:

    Main Number
    Phone Number
    Main Number
    Main Number
    District Truancy / Attendance Department Staff
    Phone Number
    Carrie Fry
    Truancy Specialist
    Kim Mendenhall
    Keely Himsel
    Case Manager
    Marshall Land
    Truancy Specialist
    Bobby Locke
    Truancy Specialist
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  • Our mission of the GCCISD – Truancy/Attendance Department is to help Goose Creek CISD maintain the tradition of excellence on each campus by helping motivate, guide, and support all students and their families. We aim to work together with students, parents/guardians, principals, administrators, counselors, teachers, community agencies, local law enforcement, social service organizations and self-improvement programs. Our team strives to increase student attendance in an effort to decrease truancy and address barriers that prevent students from reaching their full academic potential.

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  • The Importance of School Attendance for all Grade Levels Pre-K to 12th Grade

    The MORE you GO... the MORE you KNOW!

    What every parent should know! Important information about your child's education!


    The GOOD NEWS!


    Every school day matters!


    • Attending school every day is a critical part of a child's educational success, therefore encouraging your child to attend every day helps keep them on the road to succeed and graduate.

    • When students improve their attendance, they improve academically and have a greater chance of graduating.

    • Good attendance has a major impact on student achievement.

    • Students who attend school regularly are more likely to pass year end reading and math assessments.

    • Attendance improves when parents are engaged in their child's academic progress and encourages regular school attendance.

    • A parent's commitment to school attendance sends a message that education is extremely important and a priority for your family.


    The BAD NEWS!


    • Reports show school attendance rates starting as early as preschool and kindergarten are contributing to achievement gaps and high school dropout rates across the country.

    • Poor attendance in early grades (elementary school) can set a pattern of poor attendance in higher grades and perform academically lower than their peers who have better attendance.

    • Studies show children with poor attendance (starting as early as Pre-K and Kindergarten) have trouble mastering reading and have a weaker development of social skills needed to promote to the next grade level and are more likely to be retained by 3rd grade.

    • Poor school attendance effects academic performance at every grade level and could mean the difference between passing or failing. It is also a good indicator they may not be on track to graduate.

    • By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student is at-risk for dropping out of high school. Missing 2 days a month means a child misses 10% of school which can negatively affect a student's academic performance. (students who miss 9 or more days in a semester or 18 days in a school year risk losing credit). Missing 10 or more days is consider "chronic absences."

    • The academic impact of poor attendance is the same whether the absences are excused or unexcused. Suspensions also add to loss of instructional time in the classroom.


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  • Compulsory Attendance [Education Code § 25.085: Family Code § 65.002]


    Unless specifically exempt by section 25.086, a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade, and who has not yet reached their 19th birthday; a person who voluntarily enrolls in school after the person's 19th birthday shall attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is offered. Failure to comply with the established requirements are referred J.P. Court for further action.


    Students 19 and older


    School districts may issue a warning letter to a student attending school who is 19 years old or older. The school district may also revoke enrollment of the student if they have more than 5 unexcused absences in one semester; or as an alternative, impose Truancy Prevention Measures on the student. A school district cannot revoke the enrollment of an older student on a day on which the student is physically present at school.



    Truant Conduct [Family Code § 65.003]


    A child engages in truant conduct if the child is required to attend school under 25.085, Education Code, and fails to attend on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year. Truant Conduct cases are referred and processed through civil judicial procedures after Truancy Prevention Measures have been applied by the school and have failed.



    Parent Contributing to Non-Attendance [Education Code § 25.093]


    Charges for parent contributing to non-attendance of a child is a criminal charge and fines are based on the number of offenses filed. The school district must provide evidence of the parents "criminal negligence" in contributing to the non-attendance of the student. The school district must provide documentation to the courts which indicates the school demonstrated attempts to work with the student and/or parent. (documentation may include; Court Warnings, a signed Truant Conduct Agreement Contract, home visits, conferences with parent, etc.)



    Warning Notice [Education Code § 25.095]


    At the beginning of the school year, a district must send notice to students' parents that if the student is absent on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six month period, the student's parent is subject to prosecution and the student is subject to referral to a truancy court. If a student has been absent without excuse on three days or parts of days within a four-week period, the school district shall issue a warning notice to inform the parent that the student is subject to truancy prevention measures in addition to other statutory requirement in existence.



    Truancy Prevention Measures [Education Code §25.0915]


    The school district is required to adopt at a minimum TPM that include; a behavior improvement plan including the specific behavior required or prohibited of the student and the period of time the plan will be in place; (time cannot exceed 45 days) impose school —based community service; refer the student to counseling, mediation, mentoring, teen-court, or other in-school or out-of¬school service aimed at addressing truant behavior.

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  • Face to Face

    Traditional on-campus attendance procedures

    Truancy laws will apply to students who fail to attend school
    (either on-campus or remote).


    The minimum attendance for class credit rule of TEC, §25.092,
    will be in effect for the 2020–2021 school year. Students are required to attend at least 90% of their classes (with some exceptions) to receive credit and be promoted.



    Daily attendance is taken during scheduled time(s) and connected to daily student progress as a part of the Goose Creek CISD plan. A student will be counted absent if the student does not have documented engagement.


    Truancy laws will apply to students who fail to attend school (either on-campus or remote).


    The minimum attendance for class credit rule of TEC, §25.092, will be in effect for the 2020–2021 school year. Students are required to attend at least 90% of their classes (with some exceptions) to receive credit and be promoted. 


    How can I help my child succeed in school?

    • Take an active role in your child's education and stay informed on their academic progress. (Parents should attend back to school meetings, orientations and especially parent-teacher conferences; check your child's grades and attendance regularly).
    • Read the school's guidelines and attendance policies. Keep the school informed when your child misses school and turn in notes to avoid unexcused absences.
    • Plan ahead to limit your child's absences and tardies.
    • Make school attendance a priority by getting them to school and on time every day. Check your child's classwork and review homework assignments daily.
    • Communicate with your child's teacher regularly. (call or email) This lets your child know you are aware of what happens at school and communicating with their teachers keeps you informed on their academic progress and behavior in class. Communicating with teachers also allows you to keep them informed on issues your child may be experiencing. This helps teachers better understand your child and aware of any behavioral changes in their class. They may also need extra support and encouragement during difficult times.
    • If your child appears to be upset or reluctant to attend school, schedule an appointment with your child's principal, counselor, or teacher.
    • Limit the amount of time your child misses school by making appointments after school.
    • Children need to get plenty of sleep. (minimum of 8 hours) Help them get to bed on time by turning off the T.V., phones, computers or video games early.
    • Teach them how to use an alarm clock so they can get up on time.
    • Some children pretend to be sick because they like to stay home. Encourage them to go to school and only allow them to miss school if they have a fever. This will let them know you value education and it is important to you. Express to your child going to school and getting a good education puts them in the right direction to succeed in life and seeing them graduate is one of the greatest honor and reward they can give to their family.

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