Goose Talks: Launch
Goose Talks Launch
Regular updates will be provided to the community regarding the feedback received, decisions made, and the implementation of community-driven initiatives. We will share our action steps on our website, social media, podcast, and more!
  • Identified Concerns
    • Goal: Implement a process to monitor grades entered by teachers


      Responsible Party

      Technology Department and Campus Administrators


      Action Steps

      • Educate campuses about reports currently available
      • The technology team will run reports for each campus weekly
        • Reports are run each Monday for the previous week.
        • Principals receive the report showing classes with “no assignments” or “no assignment grades” each week.
      • The technology team is investigating an automated report for the 2023-2024 school year.


      Completed Steps

      • Directions on how to run the “section missing assignments and grades” report were sent to principals and directors on November 29, 2022.
      • First campus report sent on December 4, 2022, and a share file stores weekly updates


      Additional Resources


      Uniform Grading Guidelines


      Parent Portal


      Parent Portal Guide

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    • Goal: Parents, students, and staff will clearly understand bullying and how to report it.


      Responsible Party

      Anti-Bullying Committees


      Action Steps

      • Utilize the bullying checklist
      • Make reporting QR codes accessible throughout the campus
      • Involve the campus and district anti-bullying committees
      • Create a social media campaign, podcast, and campuses lessons about bullying
      • Revise campus websites to make the “report bullying” button more accessible
      • Continue mandatory “Safe Schools” training with all staff at the beginning of the year and provide support training at GiantCon.
      • Continue to implement the Student Advocacy action plan, which includes a 3-part culturally relevant classrooms training series for all instructional staff.


      Completed Steps

      • Reviewed concern with the district anti-bullying committee and developed a campus roll-out plan on November 28, 2022.
      • Updated campus websites so that the “report bullying” link is highly visible in the “campus links” section.
      • Added the bullying checklist to the report bullying form.


      Additional Resources


      Bullying Checklist


      Report Bullying


      GC United Against Bullying

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    • Goal: Students will be allotted a minimum of 10 minutes to eat breakfast and 20 minutes to eat lunch, counting from the time the student is seated.


      Responsible Party

      SHAC (School Health Advisory Council)


      Action Steps

      • Campus administrators will establish a routine to ensure all established meal programs and meal times are maintained
      • Campus administrators will monitor student's allotted time to eat lunch
      • The SHAC Committee will observe campuses routinely throughout the year to monitor implementation


      Completed Steps

      • Reviewed data from previous campus lunch evaluations at Travis Elementary and Baytown Junior
      • Board approved SHAC goal in place


      Additional Resources




      Nutrition Services

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    • Goal: Evaluate what students enjoy eating and make adjustments based on feedback.


      Responsible Party

      Nutrition Services


      Action Steps

      • Identify sodium/seasoning alternatives
      • Conduct a survey or taste tests to understand which foods students like best
      • Based on what students like or don’t like, make adjustments
      • Food tasting
      • Educate the community on food federally mandated dietary restrictions


      Completed Steps

      • Food tasting scheduled for February 17, 2023, with twenty students


      Additional Resources


      Federally Mandated Restrictions on Calories, Portion Sizes, and Salt


      Sodium Standards


      Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010


      GCCISD Food Services

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    • Goal: Daily checks for understanding for a reduction in summative assessments


      Responsible Party

      Curriculum and Instruction


      Action Steps

      • Review testing timeline
      • Ensure pacing guidelines include time for re-teach
      • Train staff on formative assessments
      • Ensure PLC question 2 addresses CFU’s and clarifies the instructional framework

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    • Goal: Improve teacher/student relationships


      Responsible Party

      Curriculum and Instruction


      Action Steps

      • Training for teachers on how to build appropriate relationships
      • Expand AVID and AVID training across the district
      • Training on culturally relevant classrooms
      • Intentional questions in the interview process


      Completed Steps

      • 2 of 3 district-wide culturally relevant classrooms have been completed
      • AVID training offered to all secondary campuses and three elementary schools
      • AVID coordinators continuing training throughout the school year

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    • Goal: Strengthen multi-tiered systems of support


      Responsible Party

      Special Education


      Action Steps

      Train and monitor implementation of the RTI process (response to intervention), specifically tier 2 and 3 supports

      Provide a clear timeline and resources about SPED testing


      Additional Resources



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